patient and dentist

Over the past decade, the dental industry has experienced a profound transformation. What once consisted of dentist-owned solo and group practices, resembling small “mom and pop” operations, has evolved into sophisticated Dental Service Organizations (DSOs). These DSOs, backed by private-equity groups and non-dentist investors, now dominate the landscape, operating with unprecedented efficiency and scale.

This seismic shift, aptly named the Great Evolution of Dentistry, has permanently reshaped the industry. It has revolutionized the operation and valuation of dental practices, redefined career paths for new dentists, and set a new trajectory for the future of dentistry.

In this eBook, we will delve into the rich history of the dental industry, exploring the origins and driving forces behind this Great Evolution. We will examine its impact on practice valuations, growth, and innovation, and forecast the future of the dental sector. Additionally, we will provide an in-depth review of the dental M&A markets, tracing their history and addressing the current challenges and future outlook for dental transactions.
